Thursday, August 27, 2009

Over 40% of Twitter is pointless babble...

A study released by Pear Analytics, a research firm that specializes in website analysis, shows that 41% of all traffic on Twitter is pointless babble, as in “I just combed my hair.” But the more interesting statistic is by how little it actually won out. A very close second, at 38%, were conversational tweets, followed distantly by tweets that had information with real pass-along value (8.7%).

Among the surprises in the study were the low numbers for tweets labeled as corporate self-promotion (5.8%), spam (3.8%) and general news (3.6%). The results were eye opening for the researchers (pdf), who "thought the news category would have more weight than dead last, since this seems to be contrary to Twitter’s new position of being the premier source of news and events.”  - Source ohmygov